Deep trenches filled with free-draining material



The schematic map of deep trenches, with main and possibly secondary branches, and typical cross sections are shown in Figs. 1a,b,c,d (Pun & Urciuoli, 2008). Essentially only the technology to excavate the trench is different from that used for shallow trenches. Deep trenches can reach the maximum depth of 30 m and are excavated by means of grab shells (Fig. 2). The sides of the trenches, being vertical, should be supported by means of slurry, e.g. polymeric mud (Fig. 3), therefore costs increase very much respect to shallow trenches.

Figure 1: Deep  trenches with only main branches: a) Plan, b) Cross section. Deep trenches, with main and secondary branches:  c) Plan, d) Longitudinal section.(from Urciuoli, 2008)
Figure 1: Deep  trenches with only main branches: a) Plan, b) Cross section. Deep trenches, with main and secondary branches:
 c) Plan, d) Longitudinal section.(from Urciuoli, 2008)


Figure 2: Grab shells used for trenches up to a depth higher than 5 m from the ground surface.


Fig. 3: a) Scheme of narrow trenches with geo-composit and pipes; b) Example of narrow trenches with geocomposite


Figure. 4: Construction of deep drainage trench by secant piles technique: a) first series of piles; b) odd-numbered piles





Because of the high depth, it is difficult to provide the good laying of the discharge pipe; moreover the volume of materials necessary to fill trenches is very large. Therefore new technologies are continuously advancing, for example drainage cage may be dropped directly inside the trenches. Two new types of technologies adopted conveniently for deep trenches are described below:

  • Narrow trench fitted with a draining geocomposite with a high capacity collection surface, buried with slightly compacted excavated soil. This is a geocomposite consisting of a draining core combined with two geotextile filters with a socket at the base for fitting the drainage tube. The features of this system are: excellent filtering, constant hydraulic efficiency, good excavation volume and no soil to dispose of, total or drastic reduction of inert materials, higher output and extra safety in the yard. All these features make draining with this system an innovative technique compared to traditional systems. Vertically continuous draining is possible for deep trenches by combining this system with suitable draining composites by securing them and superimposing them by means of suitable, simple measures (Figs. 3a, b).

  • Deep trenches can be carried out as panels constituted by ‘’aerated concrete’’: gravel with high permeability
     (10-1 m/s) and cement with a good compression strength (Fig. 4). The technology used is that used for  diaphragms, therefore any depth can be reached. The panels usually have the plan dimensions: 0,8-1m x 2,5-3m; first the odd-numbered ones are constructed. This system characterized by ‘aerated concrete’ can be realized as secant piles as well (Fig. 4), but the previous technique is faster.

About the maintenance and monitoring, the same consideration for the shallow drain system can be made.

Design methods

The design criteria of deep trenches are the same as adopted for the shallow trenches. Numerical analyses can be carried out or, more easily, design charts can be used (see fact sheet 4.1). 

Functional suitability criteria

Type of movement

Descriptor Rating Notes
Fall 0 Deep drainage is used to stabilize translational slides of large extension or rotational slides characterized by a deep slip surface.
Topple 0
Slide 8
Spread 2
Flow 5

Material type

Descriptor Rating Notes
Earth 9 Translational slides occur typically in fine-grained soils strongly altered and characterized by a permeability much higher than that of the underlying layer.
Debris 7
Rock 3

Depth of movement

Descriptor Rating Notes
Surficial (< 0.5 m) 6 The maximum depth for deep drainage system is 20-25m; therefore the best efficiency value is calculated at a depth less than that. As a consequence the depth of slip surface should not be more than 15-20m.
Shallow (0.5 to 3 m) 7
Medium (3 to 8 m) 7
Deep (8 to 15 m) 5
Very deep (> 15 m) 2

Rate of movement

Descriptor Rating Notes
Moderate to fast 4 The steady-state condition is attained some time after drainage construction (i.e. at the long term) in fact after drain installation, a transient phenomenon of equalization of pore pressures occurs. The drains are completely effective after such a delay and they represent the suitable mitigation method for very slow landslides.
Slow 7
Very slow 8
Extremely slow 9

Ground water conditions

Descriptor Rating Notes
Artesian 4 This system is suitable for lower shallow freatic water table.
High 8
Low 4
Absent 0

Surface water

Descriptor Rating Notes
Rain 7 The methods of analyzing the stabilization effect of drains commonly available in literature assume the presence of a film of water at ground surface. In areas where the weather is not very rainy, such as in Southern Europe, this assumption underestimates the effects of drains on slope stability. However the rain –water infiltration influences the system performance less than in the case in which shallow trenches are adopted.
Snowmelt 5
Localized 1
Stream 1
Torrent 0
River 0

Reliability and feasibility criteria

Criteria Rating Notes
Reliability 7 The good working of drains depends strongly on the maintenance, possibly flushing of the perforated pipe. However the service is enough long.
Feasibility and Manageability 8 Technique and design process are well established and widely used in suitable conditions.

Urgency and consequence suitability

Criteria Rating Notes
Timeliness of implementation 6 Some uncertainties about good construction of the system can exist because of the high depth to reach and the large spil volume involved.
Environmental suitability 4 will be updated
Economic suitability (cost) 6 Deep drains are more costly than the surface drains because of the deep excavation and the large soil volume involved.


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