
LaRiMiT (Landslide Risk Mitigation Toolbox) is an Expert-Based Landslide Mitigation Portal assisting users of identifying cost-effective structural landslide risk mitigation options. It is a dynamic web-based portal where user provided inputs define the risk, and an evaluation motor weighs and ranks numerous mitigation options based on an extensive expert-based set of candidate mitigation measures. User input includes site-specific information related to geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and geotechnical features, as well as, optionally, a comparative assessment of the relevance of potential impact on the physical, economical and environmental assets. The output is a ranked list of appropriate mitigation measures for the defined landslide site-specific landslide case.

More detailed information about the toolbox is available in the LaRiMiT user guide. The toolbox is in English. See the KLIMA2050 webpage for relevant terminology in Norwegian.

Klima 2050 is a Centre for Research-based Innovation (CRI) funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NRC) and public and private partners, with the aim of reducing the societal risks associated with climate change and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. Producing innovative measures for prevention of water-triggered landslides, are one of the activities in the center. The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, as responsible for the Klima 2050 landslide work package, saw the potential for development of the mitigation toolbox LaRiMiT. A main activity in the Klima 2050 landslide work package has therefore since its start in 2015 been to develop the applications of the toolbox, by use of new software and validation methodology, in order to make the toolbox both more user-friendly and effective in serving its purpose.